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Showing posts from November, 2012

A Two- Fold Miracle from St Gerard

  The following events, as told by our friend Jeff, prove that miracles do happen and saints do intercede for us. Sometimes more than we could ever imagine. The First Miracle My wife was pregnant with our sixth child, and we went in for the first ultrasound.   After reviewing the results, the OBGYN told us that the baby had Cystic Hygroma (swelling behind the head and neck).  They told us we needed to go to another hospital with specialists that dealt with this type of pregnancy.   At the next hospital, we got some scary news.   The Cystic Hygroma was a signal for a chromosome problem.   Our baby had a 50-75% chance of having either down syndrome or turner syndrome (that only affects females).   If it turned out not to be one of these, it would be more severe. The baby would probably not live to his or her first birthday.   Needless to say, it was unnerving. We began to pray, and many families in our community began to pray for my wife and our baby.   One of our friends g